Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Holiday Cheer

Well it's finally my time of year! Life has been exceedingly busy lately, not to mention the extreme sadness that comes with having a miscarriage. But the Lord has been keeping me in His peace and has healed mine and my husband's hearts.  
"he (she) that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty...there shall no evil befall me...God will deliver me and set me on high...when I call, He will answer, He will be with me in trouble, He will honor me with long life and salvation" 
I have been so encouraged and surrounded by praying family and friends.THANK YOU!

And now onto the Holiday Cheer! This is such a BEAUTIFUL time of year...the weather changes, there's electricity in the air, people smile more, and I attribute that mostly to the gift giving. Other than birthdays, which never involve all the people you love in one month, when is there a time that you think about others more? You see something in a store and think of someone. You're looking online thinking of your best friend and what would make them smile. It's wonderful! Life, for a whole month (or two depending on when you start!), is centered around others almost entirely.

For example, I've been eyeing this SunValley Spa Pack from Melaleuca with a few people in mind:

If you're interested in this wonderful gift let me know!  
Hope ya'll are getting into the Christmas Spirit!


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