Wednesday, June 29, 2011


It doesn't get more country then biscuits and gravy. I was researching others recipes for this dish, but they're all too...fancy. I was raised on my Grandfather's Sausage Gravy and it has to be the most flavorful version I have ever tasted AND the least fancy. ☺ Here below is one of my favorite recipes, enjoy!

Jimmy Dean Pork Sausage
Salt and Pepper


Brown the sausage in a deep skillet. Add salt and pepper to the meat while it's browning so you lock those flavors in. 
When the sausage is browned, take a scoop of flour and pour over the meat. This step is more to your judgement; I cover the sausage in flour so there is a thin to medium coating on each piece of meat. 
Then slowly add milk. Probably about a cup at first and then add more as you think necessary. The milk should completely cover the meat and look a little soupy at this point. Now here's the fun part: Stir. Stir and stir and stir. You don't want the flour to stick to the meat or to the pan. As you stir the gravy will start to thicken up. Add more salt and pepper to taste.


Okay now my Grandpa served this gravy over white bread. And I will still eat it this way to this day! But I'll give a simple biscuit recipe for those who want it. He also put mustard on top of the whole thing once it was on his plate. I don't do this, however my husband does and he thinks it's delicious! So try, don't try it's up to you. ☺  

Easy Biscuits:

2 1/4 cup self-rising flour
3/4 cup shortening
1 cup milk

Combine and mix ingredients together. Pour out on floured waxed paper. Pat the dough out with your hands until dough is not sticky (add a little flour if necessary). Fold double. Cut biscuits with a biscuit cutter.
Bake on a cookie sheet at 425 degrees F (220 degrees C) for 20-25 minutes.

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