Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Raspberry Cordial

My sister-in-law and I are going to have an Anne of Green Gables Day. We will sit down for hours on end watching all of the movies, which will take all day, but the best part? We're going to make Raspberry Cordial! I am so excited. I've never had Raspberry Cordial much less attempted to make it. It's interesting how you really can find anything on the internet. Apparently we aren't the only women obsessed with this series or cohesive recipe making. I was slightly disappointed to find recipes without alcohol and some recipes included lemon? This recipe below from Elise's Kitchen sounded pretty good. I just can't believe you have to wait 3 months!

Elise's Kitchen: Raspberry Cordial

So excited to try this and can't wait to post about our Anne of Green Gables Day!
