Thursday, September 29, 2011


Well the Hubby and I recently found out we're expecting! Such exciting news and heavy news and joyous news and scary news all at the same time. Yes, all of them. At the same time.
But mostly, I'm elated. We're starting a family. Our family! And that gives me a sense of pride and a smile that I can't stop from creeping onto my face every five seconds. Now usually this wonderful news is followed by the impending question of how we are going to afford this baby. There are so many things a baby needs and it's only the beginning. If it wasn't for Faith, I think I would crumble under the pressure.
Thankfully today there are so many online resources for us moms-to-be! My Aunt bought me the book "What to Expect..." and it's amazingly useful! There is so much information in it. Did you know there is a website as well? It has so many cool resources to pull from and on top of that, depending on your phone, there's an app for it! It has discussion groups, information on what's happening now with your body and how your baby is developing. Amazing.
Here are a few good websites I've found to help with the budget:

Amazing stuff! I hope you or someone you know can get some great insight and deals out of these websites.

Here's where my baby is at:

you're 6 weeks pregnant!

Week 6 Baby's now the size of a sweet pea!
Growing like crazy, baby is starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, and chin. Those little hands and feet -- still webbed like paddles -- might wiggle by week's end, the heart is beating (almost twice as fast as yours!), and blood is starting to circulate.

Until next time ya'll!


Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I've had many discussions with my sister-in-law about fashion. Jeans in particular. Our body shapes are so different and jeans are a staple to our wardrobe. One of these days she is going to design a pair of jeans and then look out world! Our biggest complaints are you can't always find the perfect fit to your body type. Butt, no butt. Tall, short. Skinny, wide. It's true Jeans do come in all shapes and sizes nowadays, but it's still hard to find that exact perfect fit. And when you do, you buy ten of them. Because when you find something that works, you grab all of it that you can!

So, here below is a step-by-step process to making your own jeans. Just make sure you have or know someone who has a sewing machine...and kudos to you if you can do this by hand! You're my hero.


  1. Take your measurements. The most important measurements for jeans are your waist and hips. While side seams and inseams are usually quite easy to modify, the hip size can be difficult to alter. Measure your hips at their fullest point, usually 8 or 9 inches below the waist. You can use these measurements to look up the correct pattern size on the pattern manufacturer's sizing chart. Most patterns are suitable for use with a range of sizes, so you just need to make sure the range on the pattern you choose includes your size.

  2. Select a pattern you like. As for just about any sewing project, you need to start with the right pattern.Your local craft store or discount store will have a variety of patterns, and you can also order patterns online. You should be able to find a pattern for any style you want. Pattens for non-denim pants can work if you know what you're doing, but if this is your first jeans project, you'll definitely want to use a pattern that's intended specifically for jeans.
  3. Select your fabric. Be careful when choosing your fabric, because many denims are too thin for jeans. Make sure you get "jeans-grade" denim. There are many colors available, but you can also dye your fabric to your liking. Indigo dye is the traditional blue jeans dye.
  4. Fit your pattern to your body. You should take several measurements at various points from your waist to your hips and down the legs, as well as the crotch. Write down these measurements, adding "ease" of up to an inch in the waist, 3/4 inches in the crotch, and 2 inches in the hips (adding ease ensures that your jeans aren't skin-tight, and you can alter the amount of ease you add depending on your preferences). Compare your measurements to those on the pattern, and alter the pattern where necessary. Remember, of course, to also alter the pattern for the correct length.
  5. Preshrink your fabric. Wash and dry the fabric on the same settings as you would use to wash the finished jeans. You can save water and energy by washing with your other like-colored laundry. Prewashing will make your fabric easier to work with, and it will help you make sure that your jeans really fit.
  6. Follow the instructions on the pattern. Generalized instructions won't help you much at this point. You simply need to cut your fabric and sew it according to the instructions on your pattern.
  7. Customize your jeans. Once your jeans are finished you can add trim, buttons, patches or anything else to dress them up and make them "designer" jeans.You can even make holes in them or distress them if you like that look.
  8. Wash and dry the finished jeans before wearing.


I recently read a post about a woman who starts her "New Years" resolutions in the Fall. She begins them on the 22nd, actually which is the first day of Fall. At first I thought, ludicrous! It's absolutely not New Years for one thing. And excuse me, but that gives me 3 whole months still to get my goals together before January 1st comes around! Which is kind of the same scenario I have with my alarm clock in the mornings. It's set to go off at 6:25am, but I know that I don't have to get up technically until 6:35am. 6:45am is usually my cut off unless it's been a long night with not such good sleep then I hit the snooze until 7:00am.

That's when it hit me. My intended time to get up goes off and if I get up with that first alarm I actually feel better throughout my day. More awake and alert believe it or not. And I get more done! Coffee made, check. Bed made, check. Dogs fed and let out, check. Devotions, check. Whereas if I keep hitting the snooze I'm kind of sleepy around the afternoon and it takes me longer to get ready in the mornings, I'm unmotivated and I skip things like making the bed, doing my devotions and then coffee is left to me throwing some coffee in the Keurig while I'm running out the door with 5 minutes to get to work.

So why wouldn't it be the same for starting your resolutions in the fall?! You're more motivated. You don't have to worry about the bad pounds during the holidays and you'll look amazing in your photo Christmas cards! Not to mention totally on track AND way ahead of things when January 1st hits. Why didn't we think of this sooner? Because it takes thinking harder and doing a little bit more around the holidays; Holidays that are already busy and tough as it is. But you know what? We're amazing women! And we've got the capability to take this on and improve not only ourselves but the lives of those around us.

Calm, Serene, Basset...

My fingers feel so relaxed. My neck muscles are so loose...wonder why? I just perused The Pioneer Woman's latest blog post. I am ever fascinated with Charlie, her basset hound as I have one of my own. They're amazing pets. The most loving I've ever come across.
Need a calming break? Just slowly move your mouse down the screen and relax. Excuse me while I put my feet up...

Basset Hounds, studies have shown, possess an inherent calming, almost sedative-like, effect. It’s very difficult to remain:
On edge
Stressed out
Wigged out

High strung
…around a Basset Hound.
It is my sincere wish that this post has a calming effect on those of you who might be feeling stressed out today.

Seriously. Stare at this creature for a second and just try being stressed out.

There is nothing wrong with this dog. Here, for instance, he’s positively ecstatic. He’s actually turning cartwheels, he’s so darn filled with bliss and excitement.
It’s just that his body hasn’t quite received the telegram from his mind.
Telegrams, studies have shown, often get lost within Basset Hound bodies. It’s a breed-specific characteristic. Their minds are really quite active: whole worlds and empires are being buiilt in their minds.
It’s just that the messages rarely make it to the far reaches of their bodies.
Studies have shown that if it were somehow possible to extract all the wayward telegrams from the bodies of Basset Hounds around the world, then somehow translate the telegrams to a readable text, all the answers of the universe would be revealed.
Scientists are working on this as we speak. It just hasn’t been reported in the news yet.

Basset Hounds, studies have shown, are medicinal. They’re the cure for our twenty-first century problems.

They’re also very tactile. Run your hands repeatedly over one of these ears and studies have shown that your soul will instantly find calm.
Your hands will be a little nasty…but it’s nothing a little lye soap won’t cure.

Your sofa won’t be in all that great a shape, either.
But you tell me whether or not it’s all worth it.
I know what my answer is.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011